Welcome back to my command-line tools series. Here is part one on grep and part two on cut. This post is going to highlight many of my bash aliases. I’m sure many of these can be improved. If you know how to improve one, please tweet me about it: https://twitter.com/rez0__
This first set of aliases are my ffuf aliases. The shared flags & behavior are listed here at the top:
- unfurl the domain to use as the output file
-mc all -ac
match all status codes, but auto-calibrate. greatly reduces noise- set a custom bug bounty header (in case they need to request me to stop fuzzing)
- output in csv format
- limit the max time of the ffuf run
- set a custom user agent because ffuf is getting blocked more often
I particularly like my naming convention. It allows for auto-naming without typing an output filename each time.
ffuf with my personal quickhits list:
dom=$(echo $1 | unfurl format %s%d)
ffuf -c -v -u $1/FUZZ -w quick.txt \
-H "User-Agent: Mozilla Firefox Mozilla/5.0" \
-H "X-Bug-Bounty: rez0" -ac -mc all -o quick_$dom.csv \
-of csv $2 -maxtime 360 $3
ffuf deep recursive (this alias takes a wordlist as a parameter unlike ffuf_quick):
mkdir -p recursive
dom=$(echo $1 | unfurl format %s%d)
ffuf -c -v -u $1/FUZZ -w $2 -H "User-Agent: Mozilla Firefox Mozilla/5.0" \
-H "X-Bug-Bounty: rez0" -recursion -recursion-depth 5 -mc all -ac \
-o recursive/recursive_$dom.csv -of csv $3
Using ffuf to find vhosts (a special wordlist I have + subs that resolve to internal IPs):
dom=$(echo $1 | unfurl format %s%d)
ffuf -c -u $1 -H "Host: FUZZ" -w vhosts.txt \
-H "X-Bug-Bounty: rez0" -ac -mc all -fc 400,404 -o vhost_$dom.csv \
-of csv -maxtime 120
These are my nuclei aliases. The first takes a single site. The second takes a list of hosts.
Usage: rez0@vps:~$ nuclei_site https://google.com
echo $1 | nuclei -t cves/ -t exposed-tokens/ -t exposed-tokens/ \
-t exposed-tokens/ -t vulnerabilities/ -t fuzzing/ -t misconfiguration/ \
-t miscellaneous/dir-listing.yaml -pbar -c 30
nuclei -l $1 -t cves/ -t exposed-tokens/ -t exposed-tokens/ \
-t exposed-tokens/ -t vulnerabilities/ -t fuzzing/ -t misconfiguration/ \
-t miscellaneous/dir-listing.yaml -pbar -c 50
Custom wordlists are a massive advantage when hacking. Sharing with friends, compiling data from github repos, and adding to lists over time are great ways to have stronger wordlists. I’ll frequently find a path while hacking that I want to add to my wordlist. Since I use multiple lists, I want to add it to all of them. If there is too much friction, I know I won’t do it, so I made this alias to reduce the friction of adding words to my wordlists:
Usage: rez0@vps:~$ add_to_lists example.conf
echo $1 | anew ~/tools/wls/recursive.txt
echo $1 | anew ~/tools/wls/massive.txt
echo $1 | anew ~/tools/wls/quick.txt
And many times I will want to add a bunch of words from a single file so I use this wrapper along with the alias above:
Usage: rez0@vps:~$ add_to_lists_from_file infile.txt
while read line;do add_to_lists $line;done < $1
arjun wrapper
I use this because I’m lazy when I want to fuzz for parameters. It takes get
, post
, or json
as the 2nd parameter.
Usage: rez0@vps:~$ arjun https://google.com get
cd ~/tools/Arjun
python3 arjun.py -u $1 -m $2 -w ~/tools/dirsearch/db/params.txt
cd $here
This will take a CIDR range and output all the IP addresses. This is useful when fuzzing with an SSRF for internal hosts or if a program gives a CIDR range as their scope and you want to fuzz on that range, etc.
Usage: rez0@vps:~$ cidr2ip
nmap -sL $1 | awk '/Nmap scan report/{print $NF}'
This is just a wrapper for https://github.com/tomnomnom/httprobe. You can obviously add as many extra ports as you’d like. I like the x-large list from aquatone.
Usage: rez0@vps:~$ cat hosts | httprobemore
httprobe -p http:8000 -p https:9443 -p http:8080 -p https:8443 -c 50 -t 1000
processing ffuf output
My quick and dirty “interesting ffuf” alias. This is my go-to ffuf output processor when I’m scanning so many hosts that it’s unrealistic for me to deal with unique 404s, param search on 500s, etc.
Because my scanning does a quick scan, a recursive scan, and a custom wordlist scan, I normally have a bunch of different csv output from ffuf laying around. That’s why this alias uses find
. If you have a single file, you can shorten this by replacing the find command with cat $1
. The grep and sed are self-explanatory. The sort is where the magic happens. It’s a unique, numeric sort by column 5, response size, which removes any duplicate response sizes. This eliminates most noise. hundreds of thousands of lines of output usually reduce down to a few hundred. Oh, and of course it opens the output in vim. One extra point worth noting is that the largest files will be at the bottom and the smallest at the top. This comes in handy when looking for anomalies.
Usage: rez0@vps:~$ findcsvsummary
find -name "*.csv" -exec cat {} \; | grep ,200, \
| sed 's/,/ /g' | sort -k 5,5 -u -n | vim -
http verb tampering
This was made by https://twitter.com/healthyoutlet. It tries all the verbs in that first line on the url you pass in. It’s a useful way to quickly check the status code of all the different http verbs.
Usage: rez0@vps:~$ tamper https://rez0.blog
tamper() {
do echo "echo -n \"$i-$(curl -k -s -X $i $1 -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}') \""; done \
| parallel -j 10 ; echo
Example output:
[https://rez0.blog]: GET-200 POST-405 HEAD-200 PUT-405 DELETE-405 CONNECT-405 OPTIONS-405 TRACE-405 PATCH-405 ASDF-405
linkfinder wrapper
I usually don’t care about the hosts that come out of linkfinder, but I do really like paths for custom fuzzing. For that reason, I wrap my linkfinder in commands to make sure it ONLY outputs paths.
Usage: rez0@vps:~$ linkfinder https://site.com/main.js | anew paths.txt
python3 /home/rez0/tools/LinkFinder/linkfinder.py -i $1 -o cli \
| grep -v http | grep -v // | sed 's/^\.\//\//' | sed 's/^\///'
make a fleet
This is an axiom helper alias. Digital Ocean doesn’t love spinning up more than 10 instances at once.
Usage: rez0@vps:~$ make_fleet rez0 40
while [[ "$total" -lt $2 ]];
axiom-fleet "$fleet" -i=10
echo "Spun up $total"
sleep 60
two ways to find large files
I usually work off a tiny Digital Ocean droplet. Here’s a referral link for your first two months free https://m.do.co/c/284d41aeba27. But anyways, my recon data sometimes fills up the disk, so I’m looking for huge files to delete. These both do the trick, but largefiles
seems to be faster.
du -a $1 | sort -n -r | head -n 10
du -k | sort -n \
| perl -ne 'if ( /^(\d+)\s+(.*$)/){$l=log($1+.1);$m=int($l/log(1024)); printf ("%6.1f\t%s\t%25s | %s\n",($1/(2**(10*$m))),(("K","M","G","T","P")[$m]),"*"x(1.5*$l),$2);}'
I really appreciate you taking the time to read this post. I plan to continue to post if you want to add this site to feedly, subscribe to my newsletter, or follow me on twitter:
- rez0